Sentence example with the word 'precentor'


Definition n. the musical director of a choir

Last update: June 13, 2015


The public praise used to be led by an individual called the "precentor," who occupied a box in front of, and a little lower than, the pulpit.   [Please select]


He is the son of a former precentor of Saint-Jacques-du-Haut-Pas.   [Please select]


"Long ago they didn't have any choir in the Carlisle church--just a precentor you know."   [Please select]


Jasper, who gave herself musical airs, and sometimes tried to "interfere with the Precentor's arrangements," which meant falling foul of "Henry."   [Please select]


I hope Saint Patrick sung better than Blattergowl's precentor, or it would be hang--choice between the poet and psalmist.   [Please select]


"Flora Cammil's in the kirk the day," and the precentor looked at Carmichael with expectation.   [Please select]


Soames, our precentor, for Wesley's 'Wilderness' to be sung at one of the afternoon services; but let me know by return what days you will be here.'   [Please select]


Written prayers for the recovery of the first Emperor's health are mentioned, but here again we are ignorant of the material on which the prayers were written by the precentor.   [Please select]

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