Sentence example with the word 'precedents'


Last update: June 16, 2015


For a long time it was thought that precedents could have no place in equity, inasmuch as it professed in each case to do that which was just; and we find this view maintained by common lawyers after it had been abandoned by the professors of equity themselves.   [Please select]


"There are precedents, I may mention Schwarzenberg."   [Please select]


Rules had been made by judges as they were wanted and precedents established of contradictory tendency and uncertain application.   [Please select]


"Kind of you, indeed, to involve me, as you say, with a lady of her precedents."   [Please select]


They established canons and laws which were based on wisdom, which stood the test of ages, and which became venerable precedents.   [Please select]


There never was a period like the Victorian; in many respects the precedents of all older periods of Society fail to apply.   [Please select]


"According to the best precedents in these affairs, we should find a glove about here," he said as we started down.   [Please select]

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precedent - precedents - precedes