Sentence example with the word 'preambles'


Last update: October 5, 2015


The result of their efforts was laid before parliament in one of the most monumental and most painstaking preambles ever prefixed to a bill.   [Please select]


It is no answer to say that preambles are inserted by Ministers, who put their own case and not the case of the nation.   [Please select]


----------------- But it is now time to present the reader with a general view of the works of Plato, and, also to speak of the preambles, digressions, and style of their author, and of the following translation.   [Please select]


After this general view of the dialogues of Plato, let us in the next place consider their preambles, the digressions with which they abound, and the character of the style in which they are written.   [Please select]


With respect to the first of these, the preambles, however superfluous they may at first sight appear, they will be found on a closer inspection necessary to the design of the dialogues which they accompany.   [Please select]

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preamble - preambles - preanal