Sentence example with the word 'powerlessness'


Definition n. the quality of lacking strength or power

Last update: July 22, 2015


I feel terrible sense of powerlessness. .   [Please select]


Nothing points more to the helplessness of the natives' condition than their powerlessness against these foes.   [Please select]


On the way she had severely felt her own powerlessness.   [Please select]


"If I could only do anything to help," cried Polly, oppressed with her own powerlessness.   [Please select]


She felt like a small bird in a very large trap, and her chief sensation was that of her own powerlessness.   [Please select]


The outstanding proof of the artificiality of this civilization is its powerlessness to propagate.   [Please select]


A conviction of pain or of powerlessness is very soon converted into a feeling which can scarcely be denied.   [Please select]


Both realized the tragedy that was about to be enacted, and both were aware of their powerlessness to avert it.   [Please select]


Robert was filled with horror, as he realized the peril of the approaching train, and his powerlessness to avert it.   [Please select]


He was familiar, too, with bleak rehearsals, hours of listless waiting for his little scenes; with his powerlessness to get into his simple words the particular intonation required by an overdriven producer.   [Please select]


The thread which connected the external object to the motor mechanism of the animal by enveloping the optic nerve, is severed; the visual perception has therefore become powerless, and in this powerlessness consists unconsciousness.   [Please select]

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powerlessly - powerlessness - powers