Sentence example with the word 'postures'


Last update: September 14, 2015


It remains to add that throughout we must carefully distinguish in theory, however hard this may be to do in practice, between legitimate ritual understood as such, whether integral to prayer, such as its verbal forms, or accessory, such as gestures, postures, incense, oil or what not, and the formalism of religious decay, such as generally betrays itself by its meaninglessness, by its gibberish phrases, sing-song intonation and so forth.   [Please select]


The chase abounds in grimaces and in comical postures.   [Please select]


He saw in the garden more corpses in tragic and grotesque postures.   [Please select]


The subchiefs and Yuara, with slight smiles, relaxed in various postures.   [Please select]


They were naked and seated in niches in the wall, with their heads and arms hanging forward in very grotesque postures.   [Please select]


The chief wonder of all these Marquesans is the beauty and erectness of their standing and walking postures.   [Please select]


Pounding apart, the things that corpses can do, apparently on their own, are simply unbelievable--what the war correspondents call "fantastic postures."   [Please select]

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postured - postures - posturing