Sentence example with the word 'postulant'


abbess, articled clerk, candidate, conventual, greenhorn, mother superior, novitiate, probationist, secular canoness, suitor, the reverend mother

Definition n. one submitting a request or application especially one seeking admission into a religious order

Last update: June 21, 2015


No one can become a postulant for admission to the Society until fourteen years old, unless by special dispensation.   [Please select]


Just then another postulant came up, making for the bath-room door.   [Please select]


During these wanderings, Pierre noticed that he was spoken of now as the "Seeker," now as the "Sufferer," and now as the "Postulant," to the accompaniment of various knockings with mallets and swords.   [Please select]


It is not as a visitor that I am going this time, but as a postulant or novice and in the hope of becoming worthy in due course to take the vows of lifelong consecration.   [Please select]

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