Sentence example with the word 'posses'


Last update: September 22, 2015


As.) Charles of crowned by the pope in 1266, marched to take posses An9 Peter n.   [Please select]


Finally it was decided to separate into posses of ten, all to converge at Crow's Cliff as soon as possible.   [Please select]


It's the cause of much suffering, but it's a consolation to know I posses it, when I wake up in the night.   [Please select]


Mankato lies between cliffs and the Minnesota River, hard by Traverse des Sioux, where the first settlers made treaties with the Indians, and the cattle-rustlers once came galloping before hell-for-leather posses.   [Please select]


'My lord,' I told him, 'you have but to posses your soul with patience for a few short weeks, just until the ship the Governor sends can return.'   [Please select]

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posse - posses - possess