Sentence example with the word 'positivistic'


Definition adj. of or relating to positivism

Last update: August 12, 2015


This knowledge, however, is by no means positivistic or empirical, but on the contrary it is dialectical and a priori synthetic, brought about by the spiritual categories; and from it there constantly arise new problems, an ever new position of the fundamental categories.   [Please select]


Lewes (German translation, 1876) assumes a positivistic standpoint; Thilo (1874), a position exclusively Herbartian; A.   [Please select]


Thus the scientific conservatism of Newton has led to the positivistic and agnostic phase of naturalism.   [Please select]


Lombroso, the head of the positivistic school of penal law.   [Please select]

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positivist - positivistic - positivists