Sentence example with the word 'positivism'


Definition n. the form of empiricism that bases all knowledge on perceptual experience

Last update: July 29, 2015


Both passed through phases of faith, but while even Positivism did not cool George Eliot's innate religious fervour, with George Sand religion was a passing experience, no deeper than her republicanism and less lasting than her socialism, and she lived and died a gentle savage.   [Please select]


--Buddhism is in too late a stage of development, too full of positivism, to be shrewd in any such way.   [Please select]


POSITIVISM, on relation of philosophy and science, 115, 122; general meaning of, 168, 234, 252 ff.   [Please select]


The Hegelian philosophy has also found favor there (especially in Naples), as well as positivism.   [Please select]


Subsequently he inclined to positivism, which he had previously opposed, and among the representatives of which we may mention, further, R.   [Please select]


Ernst Laas defines positivism (founded by Protagoras, advocated in modern times by Hume and J.)   [Please select]

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