Sentence example with the word 'positives'


Last update: August 29, 2015


They emphasize the gospel of doing, for Froebel believes in positives in teaching, not negatives; in stimulants, not deterrents.   [Please select]


Let us assume that the field magnets A, A are the positives, and the magnets B, B the negatives.   [Please select]


123, when the complete cycle is nearly finished, the positives are again approaching each other and the negatives moving together.   [Please select]


There was also a semicircle of children's photographs--of the kind known as positives--on the table round the official ink-pot.   [Please select]


It is evident that 'positives' and 'privatives' are not opposed each to each in the same sense as relatives.   [Please select]


In the case of 'positives' and 'privatives', on the other hand, neither of the aforesaid statements holds good.   [Please select]


Thus 'positives' and 'privatives' do not belong to that class of contraries which consists of those which have no intermediate.   [Please select]


Je vais tâcher de vous insinuer quelques suggestions positives là-dessus, bien que je craigne que, faute du développement nécessaire, mes idées ne répandront pas une clarté très grande.   [Please select]


In like manner, the negative plates are held apart by the two tubular sections (G), each of which is of the same length as the section D of the positives.   [Please select]

Do you have a better example in your mind? Please submit your sentence!

positiveness - positives - positivism