Sentence example with the word 'posit'


advance, assume, lay down, place, postulate, premise, presupposition, put, seat, station, supposition

Definition n. (logic) a proposition that is accepted as true in order to provide a basis for logical reasoning

Last update: February 7, 2018


Ram posited the existence of God.   [adverb]


All the standard interpretations of quantum theory posit that the cosmos changes in accordance with causal principles that are stochastic or probabilistic.   [adjective]


We can consequently treat rationality as a theoretical posit, much like electrons, viruses and the other theoretical posits of science.   [verb]


That posited, if we ask M.   [verb]


We may posit, then, the following axiom as a law of proprietary economy: INCREASE MUST DIMINISH AS THE NUMBER OF IDLERS AUGMENTS.   [verb]


The primitive condition of all intelligence is that the ego shall posit, affirm or be aware of itself.   [Please select]


This means to affirm or posit one's self, to be a subject-object.   [Please select]


What you posit as A must already have cancelled the alternative or made it innocuous, by having negated it in advance.   [Please select]


--here Commences a Butifull Countrey on both Sides of the Missourie, (2) passed a large Island Called Prospect Island op posit this Isd.   [Please select]


Anxiety and hope concerning future events lead us to posit unseen powers as directing our destiny, and to seek their favor.   [Please select]


The schema of cause and of the causality of a thing is the real which, when posited, is always followed by something else.   [Please select]

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posing - posit - posited