Sentence example with the word 'portiere'


Definition n. a heavy curtain hung across a doorway

Last update: October 12, 2015


I asked aloud, as I heard the rings on the portiere behind me click.   [Please select]


He stood for a second to straighten his limbs; then he turned, and, moving directly forward, passed through the portiere.   [Please select]


When Linda drew back the portiere and stepped into the living room Eugene Snow rose to meet her.   [Please select]


Pushing aside this wilderness portiere, the four investigators stepped in, lighting their way with two or three electric flash lights.   [Please select]


He glanced about the apartment, at the cheap portiere flung over the sofa; at the gaudy sofa cushions, two of which bore the names and colours of certain colleges.   [Please select]

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porticos - portiere - portieres