Sentence example with the word 'portents'


Last update: June 29, 2015


The disasters of the early part of the second Punic War revealed an unparalleled religious nervousness: portents and prodigies were announced from all quarters, it was felt that the divine anger was on the state, yet there was no belief in the efficacy of the old methods for restoring the pax deum.   [Please select]


John Jacob Astor had no such belief in luck omens, portents, or mascots as had A.   [Please select]


] [Illustration: LAOCOƖN _Statuary Group in The Vatican, Rome_] But ghastlier portents lay behind, Our unprophetic souls to bind.   [Please select]


All sorts of portents were happening at Coomassie, to the great disturbance of the mind of the people.   [Please select]


And so she dwelt: the valley more peaceful year by year; When suddenly strange portents of some great deed seemed near.   [Please select]


That so light a thing should be so heavy with dark portents.   [Please select]

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portentously - portents - porter