Sentence example with the word 'pomade'


anoint, brilliantine, cream, embrocate, eyewash, grease the wheels, lanolin, lubricate, pomatum, smear, spikenard, wax

Definition n. hairdressing consisting of a perfumed oil or ointment

Last update: June 26, 2015


This fatty substance is at first semifluid and yellow, but afterwards acquires the consistency of pomade and becomes darker.   [Please select]


"But this is his Majesty's day for being polished; and just now his august presence is thickly smeared with putz-pomade."   [Please select]


He was wearing a blue swallow-tail coat, shoes and stockings, and was perfumed and his hair pomaded.   [Please select]


So I cut my hair, and washed the pomade out of it, and broke away.   [Please select]


I have brought the pomade, too, and the prescription Olympus gave me for--" "Hush, hush.   [Please select]


The air is filled with a heavy, rich odor, suggesting the pomade of women's head-dresses, _saké_, and sandalwood.   [Please select]

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pomace - pomade - pomaded