My own studies of these six subspecies indicate that they are, beyond reasonable doubt, members of a single polytypic species (_scripta_). [Please select]
Duellman (1958) reviewed the species of the genus occurring in western México and concluded that there were five species (two polytypic). [Please select]
Thus, at present, nine species (one polytypic) are recognized on the eastern slopes and lowlands from central Texas to British Honduras. [Please select]
Two Recent species, each polytypic with eight subspecies, and five fossil species are recognized. [Please select]
A discussion of the polytypic species, _Hypopachus oxyrrhinus_, with a description of a new subspecies. [Please select]
I conclude that there are seven species (one polytypic) of _Syrrhophus_ in eastern México, Texas, and El Petén of Guatemala, and seven species (one polytypic) in western México. [Please select]
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