Definitionadj. worshipping or believing in more than one god
Last update: July 16, 2015
He is forbade by his family to be a polytheistic. [Please select]
The term properly implies a clear polytheistic conception of gods in contrast with men, while it recognizes that some men cross the dividing line. [Please select]
Aavehie is the god of fishermen, who was always propitiated by intending anglers in the polytheistic days, and who still had power. [Please select]
It is often said with truth that these earliest religions are more profoundly pantheistic than polytheistic. [Please select]
_Pantheism_ appears in primitive religion as an animistic or polytheistic sense of the presence of a divine principle diffused throughout nature. [Please select]
Authorities differ as to their primeval religion, some supposing that it was monotheistic, and others polytheistic, and others again pantheistic. [Please select]
But perhaps a serious discussion of a polytheistic scheme such as this may be postponed till it is seriously maintained. [Please select]
Baal was the sun-god among the polytheistic Canaanites, as Bel was among the Assyrians. [Please select]
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