Sentence example with the word 'polypides'


Last update: September 29, 2015


It is one of the most remarkable facts in the natural history of the Polyzoa that a single zooecium may be tenanted by several polypides, which successively degenerate.   [Please select]


It seems also that old zooecia and polypides are sometimes transformed into buds of the kind (fig.)   [Please select]


A zoarium with its included polypides is finally produced from the young polypide by the rapid development of buds.   [Please select]


_Polyparium_ The whole body of zooecia and polypides which are in organic connection.   [Please select]


In polypides kept under observation in clean tap-water all the cysts finally disappear, and the fæces assume a green colour.   [Please select]


--Ectocyst well developed; zoaria without a special organ of progression; polypides contained in tubes.   [Please select]


The statoblasts of this genus do not float and often germinate in the parent zooecium after its polypides have died.   [Please select]


In the great majority of cases the polyzoa form permanent colonies or polyparia, each of which consists of a number of individual zooecia and polypides connected together by threads of living tissue.   [Please select]


It is only in the small subclass Entoprocta, the polypides and zooecia of which are not nearly so distinct from one another as they are in other polyzoa (the Ectoprocta), that mature solitary individuals occur.   [Please select]

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polypide - polypides - polypody