Sentence example with the word 'polarized'


Last update: October 1, 2015


Thus, Pasteur showed that Penicillium glaucum, when grown in an aqueous solution of ammonium racemate, decomposed the dextro-tartrate, leaving the laevotartrate, and the solution which was originally inactive to polarized light became dextro-rotatory.   [Please select]


Action of glass and other solid substances on a beam of polarized light.   [Please select]


He employed the light of an ordinary Argand lamp, and polarized it by reflection from a glass surface.   [Please select]


He caused this polarized light to pass through a plate of heavy glass made from a boro-silicate of lead.   [Please select]


Faraday discovered that other solid substances besides glass exert a similar action on a beam of polarized light.   [Please select]


Faraday showed that the power of rotating a beam of polarized light is also possessed by some liquids.   [Please select]


Few objects are more beautiful to look upon than this, when viewed by a microscope with the aid of polarized light.   [Please select]


On the Spectra of Polarized Light Measurement of the Waves of Light INDEX ON LIGHT LECTURE I.   [Please select]


My mind was becoming polarized by the contemplation of one object, success, and to it human ties were unconsciously being sacrificed.   [Please select]

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polarize - polarized - polarizer