Sentence example with the word 'plagiarist'


actor, copier, deceiver, echo, forger, impostor, literary pirate, mocker, playactor, role-player

Definition n. someone who uses another person's words or ideas as if they were his own

Last update: July 7, 2015


Secondly, besides the plagiarist Tudebod, there are the artistic redacteurs of the Gesta, who confess their indebtedness, but plead the bad style of their original - Guibert of Nogent, Balderich of Dol, Robert of Reims (all c. 1120-1130), and Fulco, the author of a Virgilian poem on the Crusades, continued by Gilo (ob.   [Please select]


One century is the plagiarist of the other.   [Please select]


Brinley was a bold plagiarist of Bernard, Hallywell a logical but dull reasoner from the Bible, Bovet a weakened solution of Glanvill.   [Please select]


The strawberry is no more a plagiarist than the smilax, nor the grape than the nettle.   [Please select]


Johnson, the most vigorous writer of the day, conspired with one William Lauder, a native of Scotland seeking fortune in London, to stamp out Milton's credit by proving him to be a wholesale plagiarist.   [Please select]

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