Sentence example with the word 'placket'


air hole, blowhole, bunghole, deadeye, eyelet, grommet, keyhole, loop, manhole, peephole, pinhole, porthole, spiracle, vent

Definition n. a piece of cloth sewn under an opening

Last update: October 6, 2015


Biting her nether lip, hooking the placket of her skirt.   [Please select]


Or their skirt behind, placket unhooked.   [Please select]


Before cutting this out, a box-pleat an inch and a half wide should be laid down the middle of the front, and a side pleat three-fourths of an inch wide on either side of the placket in the back.   [Please select]


The second he gave to a woodman tying billets for the Castle ovens; the third a maid put in her placket, and he taught her the fourth by heart in a manner quite his own and very much to her taste.   [Please select]

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plack - placket - plage