Sentence example with the word 'placemen'


Last update: August 8, 2015


The majority contained 29 members considered independent, 44 who expected to be bought, 44 placemen, 12 sitting for regular government boroughs, and 12 who were supposed to support the government on public grounds.   [Please select]


The tendency of the abuse of Executive patronage is to make those in the civil service mere placemen and mere tools or willing servitors of the President.   [Please select]


The government had created a world of parasites and placemen housed in enormous hotels, where they were engaged at large salaries upon mysterious unproductive labors which seemed to have no result in front-line trenches.   [Please select]


It almost never happens that the Ministry-maker can put into his offices exactly whom he would like; a number of placemen are always too proud, too eager, or too obstinate to go just where they should.   [Please select]


In all they were a menacing element, made up of the conservative, the prosperous, the well-educated, with a mixture, of course, of mere placemen and tuft-hunters.   [Please select]

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placeman - placemen - placement