Sentence example with the word 'pinkest'


Last update: August 1, 2015


Pet Buford blew in with the pinkest cheeks and the brightest eyes I had seen since I looked in the mirror the night of the dance.   [Please select]


The curtain agitated itself a little, then suddenly between its folds there appeared a most beautiful white hand (white as snow), and with long tapering fingers, ending in the pinkest nails.   [Please select]


We must have been outside for nearly an hour, looking up at the loveliest and pinkest of walls, above which showed tops of palm- and fruit-trees and delicious known and unknown vines.   [Please select]


She was not any taller than the dolls around her, and looked uncommonly like the prettiest, pinkest-cheeked, yellowest-haired ones; so it was no wonder that Peter did not see her at first.   [Please select]


"When Betty is twenty-five," I said patiently--I had grown used to speaking patiently to Sara--"she will be a magnificent woman--far handsomer than you ever were, Sara, in your pinkest and whitest prime."   [Please select]

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pinkers - pinkest - pinkey