Sentence example with the word 'philanthropists'


Last update: October 20, 2015


The great majority of names in the long list of worthies of the commonwealth-writers, statesmen, orators, artists, philanthropists, reformers and scholars, are intimately connected with Boston.   [Please select]


Crusades against such industrial customs are usually led by organized labor, by professional philanthropists, by sentimentalists, and by socialistic agitators.   [Please select]


Mention should be made of several funds which have been established by philanthropists for the education of the negro.   [Please select]


That the landlord-company was not a band of philanthropists, but a capitalistic group in search of dividends, I would readily admit.   [Please select]


Meanwhile, philanthropists find it necessary to take up the case of the poor as a private enterprise.   [Please select]


We feel as if we were George Peabody and Lady Burdett-Coutts, and several other philanthropists thrown in.   [Please select]


It had the staunch support of such men as Wendell Phillips, Edward Everett, Horace Greeley, and other distinguished publicists and philanthropists.   [Please select]


Nine would-have-been philanthropists, reminded of past schemes of benevolence, blushed uneasily, and tried to revive interest in their protégées.   [Please select]


"In other words, I should cooperate with Colonel Varney and other disinterested philanthropists," he supplied, and I realized that I was losing my temper.   [Please select]


The fame of our city spread even across the Atlantic, reaching obscure hamlets in Europe, where villagers gathered up their lares and penates, mortgaged their homes, and bought steamship tickets from philanthropists,--philanthropists in diamonds.   [Please select]

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philanthropist - philanthropists - philanthropy