Sentence example with the word 'phenomenalistic'


Last update: September 28, 2015


Wundt founds his whole philosophy on four psychological positions: his phenomenalistic theory of unitary experience, his voluntarism, his actualistic theory of soul, and his psychological theory of parallelism.   [Please select]


Perception may be given a psycho-physical definition, which employs physical terms as fundamental;[282:12] but this flagrantly contradicts the phenomenalistic first principle.   [Please select]


His great book, "Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung," opens with the phenomenalistic contention that "the world is my idea."   [Please select]


[283:14] Any one, then, of these three may be the last state of one who undertakes to remain exclusively faithful to the phenomenalistic aspect of Berkeleyanism, embodied in the principle _esse est percipi_.   [Please select]

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phenomenalist - phenomenalistic - phenomenally