Sentence example with the word 'pharmacopoeia'


Definition n. a collection or stock of drugs

Last update: September 21, 2015


A pharmacopoeia was published in India last year.   [Please select]


The British Pharmacopoeia contains an infusion and tincture of buchu.   [Please select]


Mohr's process for obtaining benzoic acid, which is adopted by the Prussian Pharmacopoeia, unquestionably has the reputation of being the best.   [Please select]


The village pharmacopoeia is unanimous in recommending the Cigale as a sovereign remedy.   [Please select]


By general agreement the rural pharmacopoeia of Provence pronounces the _tigno_ to be the best of remedies against chilblains.   [Please select]


Hayes exhibited the inevitable quinine, iron, and all the tonics in his pharmacopoeia, with cough mixtures and sundry, but in vain.   [Please select]


And yet the fire with which he spoke was surely not born of the pharmacopoeia.   [Please select]


The distillate is concentrated and after treatment with animal charcoal and filtration should conform to the requirements of the British Pharmacopoeia.   [Please select]


They had no medicine to act as an antidote; and if they had been in possession of all the drugs in the pharmacopoeia, they would not have known which to make use of.   [Please select]


The London Pharmacopoeia directs that it shall be prepared by sublimation, and does not prescribe that it shall be free from this oil, to which it principally owes its agreeable odor.   [Please select]

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