The perpetrators of the crime were sentenced to five years' rigorous imprisonment, but they had the sympathy of the people on their side. [Please select]
And Providence removed also, soon after, the most guilty and wicked of all the perpetrators of the massacre of St. [Please select]
So Sam called a constable, and inquiries were set on foot to discover the perpetrators of the theft. [Please select]
'No small catalogue of crimes truly, even if the perpetrators are few.' [Please select]
A small catalogue of evils, even if the perpetrators of them are few in number. [Please select]
However, Carleton again pressed for the punishment of the perpetrators of "the foule and bloody act" of Amboina. [Please select]
"Do you know the perpetrators of the unlawful burning of the toll-gate on the Cave Hill Pike." [Please select]
Do you have a better example in your mind? Please submit your sentence!