Sentence example with the word 'periphrasis'


Definition n. a style that involves indirect ways of expressing things

Last update: September 1, 2015


Nnp for yii' or mtn; "p y'aw for ynr'; ' uni for -Inv, ras', in', tin; n'nn for i:i; (4) the use of periphrasis for the more pronounced anthropomorphisms, such as " to smell," " to taste," or when the use of the status constructus might seem to bring God into too close connexion with men or things; (5) the use of different expressions, or the insertion of a preposition before the divine name, when God is compared to man, or the same action is predicated of God and man; (6) the use of " for non' and n'n5rr, and the rendering R i ni or r;Iya when a'n (21.   [Please select]


By this periphrasis Waverley readily apprehended his portmanteau was intended.   [Please select]


Scattered through its more serious matter are gems with the old “Eothen” sparkle, of periphrasis, aphorism, felicitous phrase and pregnant epithet.   [Please select]


Surely a memory which is exercised without any consciousness of recollecting is only a periphrasis for the absence of any memory at all.   [Please select]


"In a word," cried Dale, coming in on my heels with an elucidation of my periphrasis, "what de Gex is driving at is--Do you prefer respectability to ramping round."   [Please select]

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