Sentence example with the word 'peregrinations'


Last update: October 9, 2015


Indeed its founder, Ramananda, who probably flourished in the latter part of the 14th century, according to the traditional account, was originally a SriVaishnava monk, and, having come under the suspicion of laxity in observing the strict rules of food during his peregrinations, and been ordered by his superior (Mahant) to take his meals apart from his brethren, left the monastery in a huff and set up a schismatic math of his own at Benares.   [Please select]


Nowhere else in my peregrinations among the Rockies did I so much as catch a glimpse of Say's phoebe.   [Please select]


They had wandered far and wide, and after many years of dreary peregrinations they had been given shelter in Egypt.   [Please select]


--But it is time to follow her in some of her peregrinations.   [Please select]


The remainder is an Eastern tale, the peregrinations of which have been studied by Mr.   [Please select]


"You are perfectly welcome to take it wherever your peregrinations lead you, and return it when you please."   [Please select]


CHAPTER III PEREGRINATIONS "PEREGRINATIONS," laughed Kate, turning to the window to hide her face.   [Please select]

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