Percentages of Adult Females Recorded as Perforate in the Monthly Samples From 1950 Through 1953. [Please select]
Percentages of Adult Females Recorded to Be in Late Pregnancy in the Monthly Samples From 1950 Through 1953. [Please select]
Percentages are in terms of the over-all length of the arm and third finger. [Please select]
Estimates made at other times in 1950, 1951 and 1952 always confirmed the dominance of smooth brome and approximated the above percentages. [Please select]
Again, July and August of 1952 were exceptions to the pattern as the percentages of juveniles in these months fell to midwinter levels. [Please select]
The mean percentages for the thirty month period for which data were available were: adults, 77. [Please select]
Table giving the Percentages of Nitrogen and Oxide of Nitrogen in Various Substances used in or as Explosives: Name FORMULÆ NITROGEN NO_{2} per cent. [Please select]
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