Sentence example with the word 'pensile'


Last update: October 24, 2015


The crowns suspended in churches suggested doubtless the sumptuous pensile luminaries, frequently designated from a very early period as coronae, in which the form of the royal circlet was preserved in much larger proportions, as exemplified by the remarkable corona still to be seen suspended in the cathedral at Aix-laChapelle over the crypt in which the body of Charlemagne was deposited."   [Please select]


They were of the species known as the "pensile weaver-bird" (_Ploceus pensilis_).   [Please select]


Nest of grass, lined with thistledown; semi-pensile in drooping twigs of a willow.   [Please select]


Tickell describes the nest as pensile but quite open, being a hemisphere with one side prolonged, by which it is suspended from a twig.   [Please select]

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pensee - pensile - pensils