Sentence example with the word 'pedunculate'


Definition adj. having or growing on or from a peduncle or stalk

Last update: July 9, 2015


It was succeeded by the sessile-fruited oak, which was in turn supplanted by the pedunculate form of the same tree.   [Please select]


Comparing the pedunculated and sessile Cirripedes, it is, I think, impossible to assign them a higher rank than that of Families.   [Please select]


[22] Linnæus, as is well known, included under this genus both the pedunculated and sessile Cirripedes.   [Please select]


), which, undoubtedly, though having the external appearance of a pedunculated cirripede, belongs to the Balaninæ, and is closely related to Coronula.   [Please select]


Not only are these males, as just remarked, Cirripedia; but they manifestly belong to the Pedunculated Family.   [Please select]


Four large pedunculated eyes, hidden in the figure by the tentacles, stand out prominently from the circular tube.   [Please select]


Pedunculated: set on a stalk or peduncle: attached by a slender stalk or neck.   [Please select]


Sub-pedunculate: in Coleoptera, when the constriction between pro- and meso-thorax is so great as to give the appearance of a narrow waist.   [Please select]


Her garb is bronzed black, with pale legs and a heart shaped, pointed, slightly pedunculate abdomen, with never a trace of a probe for inoculating the eggs.   [Please select]


It is not uncommon for them to be pedunculate or stemmed, and in this case considerable rotary motion or twisting is possible.   [Please select]

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