Sentence example with the word 'pedicle'


Definition n. a small stalk bearing a single flower of an inflorescence

Last update: October 31, 2015


The usual drawings represent this creature with a short bell-shaped body upon a very long slender pedicle.   [Please select]


One of the ends is lengthened out into a neck or pedicle, which is as long as the egg proper.   [Please select]


Polypus is a round pear-shaped body, generally hanging by a pedicle, or neck, like to the stalk of the fruit.   [Please select]


It may become very large and often hangs pendulous from a long, elastic pedicle.   [Please select]


The attachment is loose, so that the tubercle hangs by a short pedicle or neck and may be moved slightly to and fro.   [Please select]


The author already quoted believes that the Pompilius seizes its captive by the pedicle which unites the abdomen to the cephalothorax, and that it triturates this point between its jaws.   [Please select]

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pedicels - pedicle - pedicles