Sentence example with the word 'pecan'


Definition n. wood of a pecan tree

Last update: June 16, 2015


It smelled sweet and spicy, a scent that always reminded him of pecan pie.   [Please select]


At least two pairs were found there in a large cotton field in which an occasional pecan tree had been left standing.   [Please select]


The pecan nut is a favorite food, and so is the acorn, on which last they fatten rapidly.   [Please select]


After parting from Pecan Creek, with their faces set westward, they had a journey before them anything but easy or pleasant.   [Please select]


And with this determination he galloped up the pecan, his claws rattling against the bark.   [Please select]


Failure in love or business will follow in proportion as the pecan is decayed.   [Please select]


Pecan, chestnut-oak, black birch, basket-oaks, white birch, maple, dogwood, beech, red and yellow birch, ash, and apple wood when obtainable are excellent.   [Please select]


It is upon a creek called "Pecan," a confluent of the Little Witchita river, which heads about a hundred miles from the eastern edge of the Llano Estacado.   [Please select]

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pebbly - pecan - pecans