Sentence example with the word 'pawnbrokers'


Last update: August 29, 2015


For the purposes of the act "money-lender" is defined as including every person whose business is that of money-lending, but it does not include pawnbrokers, in respect of business carried on by them under the Pawnbrokers Act, Registered Friendly, Loan or Building Societies, coporate bodies incorporated or empowered by special act of parliament to lend money, persons bona fide carrying on the business of banking or insurance, or bona fide carrying on any business not having for its primary object the lending of money, or bodies corporate for the time being exempted from registration by order of the Board of Trade.   [Please select]


Besides you know how liberal pawnbrokers are.   [Please select]


He thinks you are a lot of money-getters and pawnbrokers, gouging the poor and squeezing the rich.   [Please select]


Breen is quite right; we are a race of money-getters, and we are also the world's pawnbrokers and will always be.   [Please select]


What can there be objectionable in pawnbrokers, if she is one.   [Please select]


They graduate also into junk-dealers, pawnbrokers, and peddlers, and are soon on their way "up town."   [Please select]


By and by, men who were goldsmiths, bankers or pawnbrokers, made a sign of these three bags of gold, in the shape of balls.   [Please select]


He drifted from one paper to another, lived in prosperity one week and in poverty the next; haggled with pawnbrokers and landladies, and borrowed money and lent it.   [Please select]

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pawnbroker - pawnbrokers - pawned