Sentence example with the word 'patronymics'


Last update: August 15, 2015


Like Italian men of letters, these pioneers of humanism gave a classic turn to their patronymics; unfamiliar names, Crotus Rubeanus and Pierius Graecus, Capnion and Lupambulus Ganymedes, Oecolampadius and Melanchthon, resounded on the Rhine.   [Please select]


The unpronounceable Slavic combinations of consonants and polysyllabic Jewish patronymics are plentiful, while here and there an Italian name makes its appearance.   [Please select]


"Give me your names," said the sentry, and Malinkoff recited with glib ease a list of Russian patronymics.   [Please select]


They had twelve children, and among the names one recognizes such familiar patronymics of the two families as Mark, Stephen, Ruth and Elizabeth.   [Please select]

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patronymic - patronymics - patroon