The animal excreta, musk and civet, also enter into the composition of modern European pastils and clous fumants. [Please select]
Paris's Pastils--Perfumer's Pastils--Piesse's Pastils--Fumigation--The Perfume Lamp--Incandescent Platinum--Eau à Bruler--Eau pour Bruler--Fumigating Paper--Perfuming Spills--Odoriferous Lighters SECTION VIII. [Please select]
The pastils of the moderns are really but a very slight modification of the incense of the ancients. [Please select]
It is under the same impression that pastils are now used, or at least to cover the _mal odeur_ of the sick-chamber. [Please select]
After well beating in a mortar, the pastils are formed in shape with a pastil mould, and gradually dried. [Please select]
There is not much variety in the formula of the pastils that are now in use; we have first the INDIAN, OR YELLOW PASTILS. [Please select]
A great variety of formulæ have been published for the manufacture of pastils; nine-tenths of them contain some woods or bark, or aromatic seeds. [Please select]
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