The Berkshire is a black pig with a pinkish skin, and a little white on the nose, forehead, pasterns, and tip to the tail. [Please select]
"And then--as I've often remarked, my dear Sling, the 'Rascal' is too long in the pasterns, not to mention--" "B'gad."' [Please select]
Bifurcation at the pasterns, and the two larger pasterns to each foot. [Please select]
This is a deposite of bony matter in one of the pasterns, and usually near the joint. [Please select]
The pasterns first become connected together by bone instead of ligament, and thence results what is called an anchylosed or fixed joint. [Please select]
From the cool shadow of the doorway he saw the horses pass Parliament street, harness and glossy pasterns in sunlight shimmering. [Please select]
Legs should be straight and placed squarely under shoulder, having plenty of bone without clumsiness, strong pasterns well stood upon. [Please select]
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