Sentence example with the word 'passageway'


access, artery, cloister, defile, fenestra, gape, inlet, loggia, peristyle, trajet, way

Definition n. a passage between rooms or between buildings

Last update: August 11, 2015


They slopped forward, feet sloshing the muddy floor, no longer trying to avoid the water that oozed in rivulets down the narrow passageway, back toward the entrance, now out of sight behind them.   [Please select]


William dragged him through the long hall and down a short passageway to the cellar door.   [Please select]


The only exit was through the passageway by which Bukawai had entered.   [Please select]


A similar covering was placed at the interior end of the passageway.   [Please select]


"Walk in, lay-deeze, walk right in--pray do not obstruck the passageway," said Penrod, in a remarkable voice.   [Please select]


As he left Davis' cabin the Germans appeared in the little passageway aft, Davis in advance.   [Please select]


Edwards and the two other British sailors now sprang into the little passageway and levelled their revolvers at the foe.   [Please select]

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passages - passageway - passageways