Sentence example with the word 'parliamentarians'


Last update: June 30, 2015


The town had a considerable part in the operations of the Civil Wars, being held at the outset by the Parliamentarians, and captured by the Royalists in 1644, but soon retaken by Sir Thomas Fairfax.   [Please select]


Meanwhile a messenger was speeding on his way to New Haven to warn the Parliamentarians.   [Please select]


Then, having spent several months in their cave, the Parliamentarians crept forth again.   [Please select]


At Coleford their progress was impeded by a troop of Parliamentarians under Colonel Berrowe, aided by a disorderly rabble of country people.   [Please select]


Union with Scotland, much desired by the king, but regarded with great suspicion by all Parliamentarians, fell flat, though Commissioners were appointed.   [Please select]


The parliamentarians, or "Roundheads," [22] were mostly recruited from the trading classes in the towns and the small landowners in the country.   [Please select]


Those who have been for centuries ground under heel do not make practical parliamentarians.   [Please select]

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parliamentarian - parliamentarians - parliamentary