The little triungulins escape on to the body of the bee or wasp; then those that are to survive must leave their host for a non-parasitized insect. [Please select]
Parasites Thirty of the adult _Aneides_ collected were examined for parasites; most were parasitized by two species of nematodes, _Oswaldocruzia_ sp. [Please select]
Salamanders examined in September were all parasitized and probably carried nematodes with them into their winter retreats. [Please select]
Nolan (1960:240) found only one nest of eight studied to be parasitized by cowbirds. [Please select]
Several specimens were parasitized on the ears by chiggers, _Leptotrombidium myotis_ (Ewing). [Please select]
The bird was heavily parasitized by worms in the mesenteries and seems to be an adult. [Please select]
One specimen was parasitized by three nematodes, _Kalicephalus natricis_ (see Olsen, 1957:208). [Please select]
What is the difference between a Cecropia cocoon which contains a living pupa and one that has been parasitized. [Please select]
In my study area the incidence of cowbird parasitism on Bell Vireos in 1959 and 1960 greatly exceeded that of all other nesting species that were parasitized (Table 12). [Please select]
========================================================= | Bell | Other | Vireo |passerines --------------------------------------+-------+---------- Total nests examined containing | | at least one host egg | 35 | 43 Total nests parasitized | 24 | 14 Total number of cowbird eggs | 33 | 23 Per cent of nests parasitized | 68. [Please select]
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