It is possibly for the purpose of feeding on parasitic mites that book-scorpions lodge themselves beneath the wing-cases of large tropical beetles; and the same explanation, in default of a better, may be extended to their well-known and oft-recorded habit of seizing hold of the legs of horse-flies or other two-winged insects. [Please select]
--On Some New Parasitic Insects of the Subfamily Encystinæ. [Please select]
BLOOM: Rosemary also did I understand you to say or willpower over parasitic tissues. [Please select]
With the exception of the parasitic insects the most common are wingless locustids (_Ceuthophilus_ spp.) [Please select]
Epizoötic: living or parasitic on animals from the outside or on the surface. [Please select]
Pupivorous: feeding upon pupa: especially applied to those Hymenoptera that are parasitic upon insects in the pupal stage. [Please select]
Strepsiptera: twisted-wing: an ordinal term proposed for the parasitic Stylopidae, now ranged as a family of Coleoptera = Rhipiptera. [Please select]
Fortunately, I have a collaborator of incomparable skill in the parasitic Chalcidid. [Please select]
Parasitic: living on or in some other animal or insect in such a way as to derive all nourishment from the tissues of the host. [Please select]
I had no intention--" "--One of those contemptible, parasitic leeches," persisted Mortimer, getting redder and hoarser, "who live on men like you. [Please select]
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