Sentence example with the word 'paradises'


Last update: August 25, 2015


The Assyrian kings also maintained magnificent parks, or "paradises," in which game of every kind was enclosed; and perhaps it was from them that the Persian sovereigns borrowed the practice mentioned both by Xenophon in the Cyropaedia and by Curtius.   [Please select]


What twaddle all these paradises are.   [Please select]


The number of ocean birds breeding on these tiny island-paradises is amazing.   [Please select]


God's pity for the only form of distress that invades all paradises knows no bounds: so he forthwith creates other animals.   [Please select]


Even the kings of Persia did not consider horticulture beneath their notice, and the highest among the Achaemenidae took an especial pleasure in laying out parks, called in Persian Paradises.   [Please select]


It is rare to find a German who would subscribe to Andrew Marvell's misogynist lines: "Two paradises are in one To live in Paradise alone."   [Please select]

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paradise - paradises - paradisiacal