Sentence example with the word 'paraboloid'


Definition n. a surface having parabolic sections parallel to a single coordinate axis and elliptic sections perpendicular to that axis

Last update: October 29, 2015


21, 22 for the paraboloid, 25, 26 for the hyperboloid, and 27-32 for the spheroid).   [Please select]


The Silky Epeira also has all the elbow-room she needs; and her paraboloid is not without elegance.   [Please select]


No longer do we see a graceful balloon- shape nor yet a paraboloid with a starry base; no longer a tough, waterproof satin stuff; no longer a swan's-down resembling a fleecy, russet cloud; no longer an inner keg in which the eggs are packed.'   [Please select]

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parabolic - paraboloid - parachute