Definitionn. (rare) worship that admits or tolerates all gods
Last update: August 4, 2015
Ancient people have a great feeling for pantheism. [Please select]
Such are the half-hearted attempts at consistency in Cartesian thought, which eventually culminate in the pantheism of Spinoza (see Cartesianism). [Please select]
Finally, if you incline to pantheism, you will be satisfied by M. [Please select]
Lamennais, who formally teaches that the world is not an EMANATION from Divinity,--which is pure pantheism,--but a FLOW of Divinity. [Please select]
This is the substance of the Hindu pantheism as taught by the laws of Menu. [Please select]
"We find in the writings of these Hindus materialism, atomism, pantheism, Pyrrhonism, idealism." [Please select]
"Necessity in becoming and unity of being," mechanism and pantheism--these are the controlling conceptions in Spinoza's doctrine. [Please select]
LECTURE III HEGEL AND HIS METHOD Directly or indirectly, that strange and powerful genius Hegel has done more to strengthen idealistic pantheism in thoughtful circles than all other influences put together. [Please select]
In course of time this nature-worship of the Vedic period developed into a sort of pantheism, that is, a system which identifies God with the universe. [Please select]
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