The pantaloons worn by modern females, with short tunic and waistcoat, are not found among the Bedouin (e.g. [Please select]
Showing long red pantaloons under his skirts. [Please select]
He wore a velveteen jacket, and pantaloons which atoned, by their extra length, for the holes resulting from hard usage and antiquity. [Please select]
The dress of the farmer consists of a cotton jacket, white shirt and check pantaloons. [Please select]
I have taken a great liking to those black silk pantaloons. [Please select]
And if not there, we will find it in his pantaloons pocket. [Please select]
Could 150,000 suits of clothing, overcoats, coats, and pantaloons be placed today, in depot, it would scarce supply the calls now before us. [Please select]
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