Sentence example with the word 'pamphleteering'


Last update: August 31, 2015


In 1760 he renewed his political pamphleteering; and having obtained a pardon from George III., he proceeded to Dublin, where he received a popular welcome and a Doctor's degree from Trinity College.   [Please select]


The habit of pamphleteering was on him, and he will write what no one will care to read.   [Please select]


The Swallow teaches building, literally, and the Owl moping, literally; but the Rook does not teach pamphleteering literally.   [Please select]


His pamphleteering pen was now as active in the service of the Tory prime minister Harley as it had been in that of the Whig Godolphin.   [Please select]

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pamphleteer - pamphleteering - pamphleteers