Sentence example with the word 'pamphleteer'


Definition n. a writer of pamphlets

Last update: October 24, 2015


Milton, it must be remembered, was yet only known in England as the pamphleteer of strong republican, but somewhat eccentric, opinions.   [Please select]


"Tom" Paine would have been no match for "Sam" Adams in a town-meeting, but he was an even greater pamphleteer.   [Please select]


Freeman is well known as the historian of the Norman Conquest, as an active politician, controversialist, and pamphleteer.   [Please select]


The public had too much sense to believe Froude was merely, or chiefly, or at all, an ecclesiastical pamphleteer.   [Please select]


[12] Mother Waterhouse's knowledge of Latin, if that is more than the fiction of a Protestant pamphleteer, is rather remarkable.   [Please select]


She was sent to the house of correction, where, reports the unfeeling pamphleteer, "She is now beating hemp."   [Please select]


Did the pamphleteer himself hear and see what he recorded, or was his account at second hand.   [Please select]


"A pamphleteer who has scribbled schoolboy Latin verses, and a few short poems; and, let me see, a masque--yes, a masque that he wrote for Lord Bridgewater's children before the troubles."   [Please select]


Such considerations animated a group of Americans in Paris, among whose prominent members were Thomas Paine, the pamphleteer, Joel Barlow, the poet, and Dr.   [Please select]

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