Sentence example with the word 'pampa'


Last update: October 24, 2015


The eastern ranges parallel to the Andes are here broken into detached extensions and spurs, which soon disappear in the elevated western pampas, and the Andes contract south of Aconcagua to a single range, which descends gradually to the great plains of La Pampa and Neuquen.   [Please select]


Resting on the western edge of the Pampa, they stretch far out over the Pacific and veil it from sight.   [Please select]


A third equally striking prospect is that over the Pampa from the high ground of the new park.   [Please select]


This district which, if it can hardly be called city, can still less be called country, stretches far out over the Pampa.   [Please select]


Lay it to circumscribed environment, and the lack of twenty miles over the pampa before breakfast.   [Please select]


There are no great forests, no deserts, no volcanoes, nothing half so grand as the peaks of the Argentine Andes, but nothing half so monotonous as the flats of the Argentine Pampa.   [Please select]


Roads fit for driving are still comparatively few and rough, but in level countries like Argentina one drives over the Pampa wherever wire fences do not bar the way.   [Please select]

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palynology - pampa - pampas