Sentence example with the word 'paltriness'


Definition n. worthlessness due to insignificance

Last update: July 13, 2015


Yet, surely, the bitterest tragedies are those of which the central anguish is lost amid the dust of surrounding paltriness.   [Please select]


An artist's life should be _away_ from the world--above all that meanness and paltriness.   [Please select]


Hence the woman's smile and "thank you," which made me so ashamed of the paltriness of the gift (Thackeray never saw a boy without wanting to give him a _sovereign_.)   [Please select]


It seems to me the more we see of His power as exerted on our little earth, the more do we realise the paltriness of our conception of the stupendous Might that upholds the Universe.   [Please select]

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paltriest - paltriness - paltry