Sentence example with the word 'palsy'


ague, cataplexy, diplegia, headache, jactitation, neuralgia, paresis, quaking, sensory paralysis, shivers, the jerks

Definition n. loss of the ability to move a body part

Last update: October 15, 2015


In cases of obstruction or of palsy of the gullet, his three modes of treatment are ingenious.   [Please select]


"Yes, sir; palsy took him at a ripe age."   [Please select]


And don't you pester yourself on account of old Billy Oarew's palsy.   [Please select]


Now it was rheumatism, now the palsy, and then again the asthma.   [Please select]


The ol' squire had the palsy, so 't he couldn't use his hands an' his throat was paralyzed--couldn't speak ner nothin'.'   [Please select]


--he was never just himsell after it, and he was strucken wi' the dead palsy that very day four years.'   [Please select]


He held up his hands, and they were shaking as if with palsy.   [Please select]


His face was livid; his hands trembled as with palsy, and his eyes were wide as with fright.   [Please select]


Owing to the same cause, his head would often shake with a tremulous motion, as if he were afflicted with the palsy.   [Please select]


"Yes, I tremble more than I like," returned the old woman peevishly, "and, perhaps, when you come to my age, young man, and have got the palsy, you'll tremble more than I do."'   [Please select]

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